Rat A Tat Cat
My daughter and her cousin played rounds and rounds of Rat-a-tat Cat, and we soon learned that our little cousin is quite the card shark! Math is the international language! Here is how to play: Set up: Shuffle the deck of 54 cards (28 Cat cards that have the numbers 0-6 on them, and 17 Rat cards that have the numbers 7-9 on them, plus 9 power.
Rat-a-Tat Cat® Product #204. Item is in stock and ready to ship. Get rid of the high cards (rats) and go for the low cards (cats). Sneak a peek, draw two, or swap. Rat-A-Tat Doggy Don Vs.Cat Man is an exciting Rat A Tat kids cartoon movie! Watch your your favourite characters Doggie Don, mice brothers and colonel on a s.
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(răt′ə-tăt′tăt′)A game of suspense, strategy, and anticipation. Get rid of the high cards (rats) and go for the low cards (cats). Sneak a peek, draw two, or swap cards for an added twist. Low score wins the. Announce that you want to end the game at the end of your turn by knocking on the table and saying “Rat-A-Tat Cat.” Each player then turns over their cards. Any “Power” cards must be.
(ˈrætəˌtætˈtætRat A Tat Cat Instructions
) orrat-a-tat

Noun | 1. | rat-a-tat-tat - a series of short sharp taps (as made by strokes on a drum or knocks on a door) rat-a-tat, rat-tat tapping - the sound of light blow or knock; 'he heard the tapping of the man's cane' |
nounA sudden sharp, explosive noise:Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content.