For all three difficulty levels the cards are dealt completely at random to you and to the computer players. Computer players are not given any special advantage and they do not know what cards are in your hand or in any other of the players' hands. The difference between the easy, standard, and pro players is the strategy used to choose their plays. If you are finding that the computer is beating you, you will likely benefit from understanding how the computer chooses its next move.
- Play the classic card game of Spades for FREE on Windows! Play against intelligent computer opponents in this fun and free game. Enjoy both normal and suicide modes as well as three difficulty settings. Keep track of your progress with in-game statistics, and even rename your opponents.
- 'Tis the season to play Christmas Spades - your favorite Spades game, just in the holiday spirit! With a fun Christmas background and cards, this Spades game is sure to have you humming carols all year long! Spades is a game played in teams. The suit of Spades is always trump and cards are ranked from 2 to Ace.
- Spades multiplayer game. Classic trick-taking card game for four players in two partnerships; 52-card deck; spade suit trump; goal to take as many tricks as declared in bidding; score 500 to win; free spades card game online, internet spades.
- Test your skill and logic in game of Spades! Start playing for free! You can unlock full functionality with in-app purchase. The goal of Spades is to reach 500 points with your team. Players sitting opposite each other play as a team. The game begins with a round of bidding. You try to predict the number of 'tricks', or turns, you will win.
Join a room and play Spades card games against other human players from the Web at Yahoo Games. Though it may be played with 2, 3, 4, or 6 players, the most common version of spades is the 4-player game played at Yahoo!, in which players are divided into two partnerships. Partners sit across from each other. The first team to 500 points wins.
Bidding: | Chooses a random bid between 1 and 4 |
Playing: | Chooses a random valid card |
Standard Computer Strategy
Play Spades Free Online With Other Players
Bidding: | The computer determines a bid by simulating, for each possible bid (0 to 13), the outcome of one hundred random deals of the remaining unseen cards. When running the simulations, each player is assumed to use the 'Standard' playing strategy. It then chooses the highest bid that resulted in an average number of tricks taken above the bid. |
Playing: | When the player has not yet achieved their bid, then they attempt to take the trick by leading with their highest card of the lead suit. When they have no chance to take the trick, they play their lowest valid card. When the player has already achieved their bid, they attempt to not take the trick by playing their lowest card. If they must take the trick, they use their highest card. |

Play Spades Free Offline

Spades Plus Zynga
Bidding: | The computer determines a bid by simulating, for each possible bid (0 to 13), the outcome of one hundred random deals of the remaining unseen cards. When running the simulations, each player is assumed to use the 'Standard' playing strategy. It then chooses the highest bid that resulted in an average number of tricks taken above the bid. |
Playing: | The computer determines the probability of taking the trick for each valid play in their hand. Probabilities are determined by simulating 100 possible distributions of the unseen cards and assuming each player will choose their play using the 'Standard' strategy. If the player has already achieved their bid then they will play the least likely card to take the trick. And if they have not yet achieved their bid then they will play the card that is most likely to take the trick. If no card has more than a 50% chance of taking the trick, then the lowest probability card is played. |