Plus 4 Uno
There are many different UNO cards. How to play UNO Action Cards? Here are strategies and tips not to be missed!
A UNO deck consists of 108 cards, of which there are 76 Number cards, 24 Action cards and 8 Wild cards.

UNO cards have four color 'suits', which are red, yellow, blue and green.
Number Cards:
Each color contains 19 cards, one number 0 card and two sets of cards numbered 1-9.
Action Cards:
YOU'LL NEVER SEE A STREAK LIKE THIS! SUBSCRIBE OR I'LL TAKE YOUR BED!: Vlog Channel: UNO Playlist. Uno Online lets you play the popular Uno card game in your web browser. The aim of the game is to be the first player with no cards, similar to other Crazy Eights style card games. Play Uno Online with 2, 3, or 4 players. ASCII Art copypasta of UNO reverse. Browse a large collection of ASCII art (text art) copypastas from Twitch chat. TwitchQuotes is the leading online database for Twitch chat copypastas. What does the +4 card in UNO mean? Are there any special rules for it? Improve this question. Follow asked Aug 31 '18 at 12:59. Tejasgupta tejasgupta. 41 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 7 7 bronze badges. Add a comment 1 Answer Active Oldest Votes. This is the Wild Draw Four card.

There are two of each action card in each color, they are: Draw 2 (the next player must draw 2 cards and miss their turn), Reverse (reverses the direction of play) and Skip (the next player is 'skipped').
Draw 2:
The next player must draw 2 cards and miss their turn.

Reverses the direction of play.
The next player is 'skipped' (lose their turn).
Wild Cards:
Wild Cards include Wild (change color) and Wild Draw 4 (change color and the next player must draw 4 cards). Players can play them anytime and change the color that continues play. There are 4 of each kind of Wild Cards.
Plus 4 Uno Cards
Play this card to choose the color that continues play.
Plus 4 Uno Age Memes
Wild Draw 4:
Plus 4 Uno Regel

How To Play Uno
Play this card to choose the color that continues play plus the next player must draw 4 cards and lose their turn.